School Blog

Reflexiones, consejos y emociones que a diario nos asaltan en este trabajo que supone dirigir un centro docente / Thoughts, advice and emotions that occur to us as we work every day to achieve academic excellence at our school.

Month: February 2012

Caxton College Secondary Leadership Project

Our community spirit continues to thrive as the Caxton College Secondary and Primary Physical Education departments have been working together. Four of the Year 11 pupils (Laura G, Alvaro D, Alfredo G and Jaime N) are being assessed as sports leaders in their favourite sports for their GCSE PE exam in May. They will be learning key leadership skills such as communication, positioning organisation and planning and will then be putting these new skills into practice teaching PE to Caxton Primary students. Students have to plan, teach and evaluate a series of lessons.  They are currently working with a Year 1 class who have the option to attend a dance, football  or basketball class.
It is a fantastic opportunity and experience for both the Year 1’s and of course the Year 11 students, who said, “Teaching the primary pupils has been a fantastic experience. It was much harder than what we expected but it has prepared us well for our GCSE moderation day. Teaching the secondary pupils now seems much easier. We are looking forward  to  teaching  them  again;  we  especially like how the pupils are always smiling and very happy all the time“.
As well as Year 11, Year 10 Core Physical Education students will also be undertaking a leadership unit of work over the next five weeks. They will be leading rhythm sessions with Year 2, ball skills sessions with Year 3 and Orienteering with Year 6 students.

Nace Technolab, el aula tecnológica de Caxton College para niños entre 3 y 8 años.

En Caxton College queremos estar a la vanguardia de las últimas tecnologías en educación, por lo que coincidiendo con nuestro 25 aniversario hemos inaugurado la nueva Aula Technolab en Primaria. Este aula está enfocada para niños de entre 3 y 8 años, y está compuesta por:

* 6 Ipad2
* 1 Apple TV
* Airport Express
* 1 Smart Table
* 1 TFT Táctil 17″
* 6 pc’s de última generación

Todo ello buscando siempre el mejorar el aprendizaje y la enseñanza en los niños, así como la formación de nuestro profesorado. Esperamos que este paso en tecnología os parezca tan importante como a nosotros.

Caxton College: Happy Birthday Charles Dickens!

Today is the bicentenary celebration of Charles Dickens (1812-1870)

All of us remember David Copperfield, Oliver Twist, Great Expectations.  

Charles Dickens was one of the great figures in English literature and his popularity has remained to the present day. He was hugely popular in his day and today he is generally regarded as a serious literary artist as well as a social analyst.  His works have been translated into practically every language and his novels have been adapted to plays, films, musicals, and so on.  

Now is the moment to introduce Dickens to your children by reading his books or by watching the films/ series.

Children becoming ‘addicted’ to Computer

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Children’s access to smartphones and computers should be limited to stop them becoming “addicted” to electronic gadgets, according to a schools’ leader. 
Have look here 

¡No somos superpapás ni debemos serlo!

No somos superpapás ni debemos serlo, este es el mito que desde una de las charlas del colegio nuestra psicóloga intentó romper para hacer comprender a nuestros padres la realidad educativa a la que se enfrentan hoy en día y evitar que manifiesten sentimientos comunes en la paternidad como la culpa o la pena.
Educar a un niño es una tarea fulltime, tenemos que tener presente que toda la comunicación que mantenemos con nuestros hijos contribuye a su educación.
Desde Caxton College os dejamos unas conclusiones de la jornada:
•El ritmo de vida actual es lo que nos empuja a poner el listón muy alto.
•Lo importante es intentarlo, estar a su lado, no tener horario, ni cerrar por vacaciones.
•En todas  las familias hay hijos diferentes aún con las mismas pautas educativas.
•No tenemos que presionarnos como padres y menos aún pretender tener superpoderes.

Caxton College British School