School Blog

Reflexiones, consejos y emociones que a diario nos asaltan en este trabajo que supone dirigir un centro docente / Thoughts, advice and emotions that occur to us as we work every day to achieve academic excellence at our school.

Month: October 2013

La importancia de un buen descanso. Recomendaciones de Cristina Pérez, Psicóloga de Secundaria de Caxton College.

Todos sabemos que, tanto mayores como pequeños necesitamos  dormir bien para estar mentalmente activos. Especialmente desde pequeños, nuestros hijos deben seguir unas  rutinas de sueño para aprender a dormir correctamente, que deben mantenerse hasta la adolescencia.

Según un  estudio,  publicado en el mes de julio por la revista Británica HealthDay News, acostarse a diferentes horas de la noche podría reducir la capacidad mental de los niños y adolescentes, de manera que cuanto más tiempo pasan durmiendo a diferentes horas cada noche, más baja es su puntuación en pruebas de pensamiento. Esto significaría que un horario irregular a la hora de acostarse podría relacionarse con un bajo rendimiento escolar.
La autora del estudio, Amanda Sacker, comenta que “tener un horario irregular a la hora de irse a dormir  podría afectar a los ritmos corporales naturales y provocar privación de sueño, dañando la capacidad del niño de adquirir y retener la información, por tanto, un sueño de menor duración o interrumpido, sobre todo si ocurre en momentos claves del desarrollo, podría tener unos impactos importantes en la salud de toda la vida”.
Existen una serie de recomendaciones que pueden hacer que niños y  adolescentes descansen mejor cada noche:

  • Mantener horarios regulares de sueño. Es importante que se acuesten y se levanten a la misma hora;  incluso los fines de semana es recomendable que no se acuesten más de una hora después de la habitual y no levantarse más de dos horas más tarde.
  • Practicar ejercicio. Hacer ejercicio regularmente,  pero nunca hacerlo en las horas previas a irse a dormir.
  • No hacer cenas copiosas antes de dormir. Antes de ir a la cama puede tomarse un vaso de leche caliente o una infusión pero siempre sin cafeína y sin ningún estimulante.
  • No ver la TV ni el ordenador en la hora previa a irse a la cama. La razón es que el brillo de las pantallas activa zonas cerebrales que hacen más difícil conciliar el sueño.
  • Dormir en una habitación fresca, oscura y silenciosa.
Cristina Pérez

Year 6 class reps share their thoughts about their new roles at Caxton College

     1. What do you like about being a class rep?
Alejandro: I like being a class rep because it is a big responsibility and everyone respects you and looks up to you. Also, I like being a class rep because I feel like I am a “super hero” for my class.
Natalia: I like being rep because I love to have meetings with Ms Stenhouse and wearing my “Rep badge”.

2. Would you like to continue to be a class representative in the future?
Inés: Yes, I feel very special being one. I love all the opportunities I have to demonstrate how I think and I would like to contribute to make the school a better place in the future. I think we are all going to have a great term!
Nacho: I would like to continue as a class representative, because I have the opportunity to help other people and I am looking forward to improving our playground.
      3. What would you do if there is a problem in your class?
Nadia: In first place, I would look for the people that were involved and tell them to solve the problem themselves; if the problem is then not solved I would talk to them and help them. I would call the teacher if it was a big problem.

4. Why do you think your class chose you?
Álvaro: They thought that my speech was good because I promised I would do my best to represent them and make significant changes for the school’s benefit.

5. At the moment, would you change anything in class?
Maria: My proposals for this year are to make the younger kids understand the importance of recycling, to respect each other so that there is no bullying, and I am looking forward seeing lots of smiles on children’s faces!

6. How did you feel when you knew you were the new class rep?

Ismael: I felt really happy and I had a smile from ear to ear. I knew at that moment that this would be one of the best experiences this year. I hope children in Primary like the changes I would like to make as a class rep. Also, I want to represent my class so that younger children can learn from my class. I will try to do my best so this term can be unforgettable! 

Rafa Martínez and Alicia Rojo talk about themselves as the new Head Boy and Head Girl at Caxton College

Why do you think you were good candidates?

Having studied 16 years at Caxton has given us an essential insight into the ideals and objectives the school pursues. We believe that we are really prepared to challenge aspects which haven’t evolved and changed, as we have been active observers of Caxton’s development. Furthermore, we have been friends for many years now, and we get on really well. Having the opportunity to work together is certainly a great chance to improve this sound relationship. We are hard-working and have many ideas to change the school. For us, it is a great honour to play this role, but we believe that the rest of the candidates were just as good. 


What would you like to improve about the school?
Caxton has grown impressively fast. We were actually really overwhelmed by the number of students in Secondary the other day at the whole school assembly. Therefore, it would be fantastic to create a greater sense of unity. We are all a great family, and we must work to achieve better communication amongst ourselves. Also, we think that the most important things are those which at first seem little. Having the opportunity to change the smaller defects of the school can make a big impact.

Why did you want to be Head Girl and Head Boy?
We both wanted to experience the school from another perspective, far away from the typical “student and nothing else” one. Also, Year 12s and 13s have always been the “older Caxtonians” for us, those who we looked up to and imitated. Now that we are here, we must show the rest of the students what the right way to act is, and being Head Boy and Girl enables us to carry out a leadership role.

What unique qualities could you bring to the role of Head Girl and Head Boy?
We have experienced, just as we said before, the day-to-day of the school throughout a long time span. This is a great advantage, as we have also had the chance to be in important leadership roles such as being Reps or House Captains and Vice-Captains. Having a broad perspective of what the school was, has been and is lets us predict what it will be in future.   

What is it like working closely with teachers and administration?
It is a great opportunity to acquire responsibilities and to learn how to work under pressure, having serious jobs. The fact that teachers now ask for our feedback means that we play an active role.  We must be disciplined and constant, which poses a further challenge, since combining our studies with this is a heavy workload. It is really gratifying to break with the typical “student-teacher” relationship and have the chance to be closer to the staff. 

What is the best part of being Head Girl and Head Boy?
Being able to make a change. Our motivations and our hard-work stem from this idea.

What leadership qualities do you possess that make you good heads? 

A Head Boy or Girl must be open and have a good relationship with everyone, avoiding problems by any means. We both consider we fulfil these ideas, and we are strongly determined to achieve what we intend. Our aim of self-improvement also makes us great candidates, and we hope that by the time we leave Caxton, we will be regarded as two of the best Heads the school has ever had. 

Caxton College British School