School Blog

Reflexiones, consejos y emociones que a diario nos asaltan en este trabajo que supone dirigir un centro docente / Thoughts, advice and emotions that occur to us as we work every day to achieve academic excellence at our school.

Tag: Bachillerato (Page 1 of 3)

Raising Awareness about Human Rights / Concienciando sobre los derechos humanos

By Alexa L, Year 12 Student

At Caxton, we believe that knowledge is power. And, therefore, the knowledge of human rights is crucial for building a better and more compassionate world. This is why we established the Voices for Change Club, which teaches about human rights and is aimed at growing our Caxton community into global citizens who can actually make a difference.

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The Power of Volunteering / El poder del voluntariado

By Claire Brunell, Teacher in Secondary in charge of Aspire careers guidance

At Caxton we encourage our students to develop skills and values to become responsible global citizens, to have strong moral principles and to ensure they are well prepared for life beyond school. Volunteering plays a vital role in this process, offering students the opportunity to grow as individuals and give back to society.

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Entrevista con Old Caxtonian Antonio Estevan / Interview with Old Caxtonian Antonio Estevan

Nuestro ex alumno Antonio Estevan reflexiona sobre su trayectoria académica y profesional.

Cuéntanos sobre tu trayectoria.

Entré en el grado de tecnologías industriales en la UPV después de graduarme de Caxton College. Aunque al principio estaba inseguro por la fama que tenía industriales de ser complicado, rápidamente me di cuenta de que por parte del colegio íbamos bien preparados, habiendo cursado A Levels en Physics, Maths y Chemistry, además de matemáticas técnicas y dibujo técnico en castellano. Todas estas asignaturas me fueron en algún momento útiles en primero de carrera.

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Entrevista con nuestra Old Caxtonian, Eva Castelló / Interview with our Old Caxtonian, Eva Castelló

Eva Castelló, de la 19ª promoción, nos cuenta su experiencia académica y profesional.

¿En qué consiste tu trabajo actual como Marketing Assistant en Cartier?

Respaldándome en nuestros datos internos y los de la competencia, realizo análisis de mercado para crear la estrategia de relojes de Cartier. Para que la implementación de esta sea exitosa, es mi deber asegurar que todos los departamentos estén coordinados acorde a nuestro plan: gestionando la logística de eventos y campañas, el comercio online y mayorista, las finanzas, y la cobertura mediática.

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Our Students Share Their EYP Experiences / Experiencias de nuestros estudiantes en el EYP

The four Sixth Form students selected to represent the school at the European Youth Parliament (EYP) this academic year tell us about the experiences they had at the recent National Session in Spain.

1.⁠ ⁠What is EYP? – Alex B-T

EYP is short for the European Youth Parliament. There are national branches of EYP (such as EYP España here in Spain) and they all work together to bring together young people from around the continent who have a passion for politics.

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Nuestros estudiantes acceden a universidades tan distinguidas como Oxford / Our Students Students Gain Admission to Distinguished Universities such as Oxford

Algunas de las universidades que se sitúan en los puestos más altos de los rankings académicos mundiales han aceptado a estudiantes de nuestra última promoción.

Cada año reafirmamos nuestro compromiso con la excelencia académica, como lo demuestran los sobresalientes resultados obtenidos por nuestros estudiantes de Bachillerato.

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De la curiosidad al entusiasmo / From Curiosity to Enthusiasm

Por Yago Prat, estudiante de Bachillerato

La cumbre EF sobre el agua celebrada en Berlín, a la cual tuve la suerte de asistir, fue una experiencia bastante impactante y alternativa, en la que, acostumbrado al ambiente colegial y cotidiano en el que vivo, me sentí totalmente fuera de mi zona de confort.

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Exhibition by Year 11 and 13 Artists: Observe, Seek, Challenge / Exposición de Arte de Year 11 y 13: Observar, Buscar, Desafiar

By Ms Charlotte Owen, Head of Art in Secondary

Our Year 11 GCSE Fine Art and Year 13 A Level Fine Art students are taught how to critically analyse the artwork of a range of relevant art movements and artists. They learn to master applying subject specific vocabulary to create in depth artwork analysis, giving their opinions about the effects of the formal elements applied, whilst also comparing and contrasting the work of one artist with others. These critical thinking, speaking, and writing skills are highly transferable and beneficial to many other subjects and careers.

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UK Mathematics Trust Challenges / Desafíos del UK Mathematics Trust

By Richard Ellis, Teacher of Mathematics in Secondary

This year has been a record breaking one in terms of the overall number of certificates and particularly Gold certificates won by our students sitting the UKMT Challenges. Of the Senior Challenge students, four of the Gold certificate winners, Diego D and Minanga J from Year 13, and Kethan F and Carlos L from Year 12, gave up their lunchtimes to became Student Mentors of Mathematics (SMoMs), planning and teaching lessons for our Key Stage 4 students to build their confidence and enable more of them to achieve certificates. I don’t think it is any coincidence that Diego and Minanga were interviewed for Oxford University this year: proven problem solvers are highly sought after by the top universities and employers.

Maggie W and Steve W from Year 11 achieved near perfect scores in the Intermediate Challenge and qualified for the Olympiad this year, and two of our Year 10 students, Claudia S and Hortensia F, joined the SMoM team and taught our Key Stage 3 students every Tuesday in their lunchtimes.

Of the students who took part in the Junior Challenge, 14 were awarded Gold certificates, of which 10 would have qualified for the follow-on Kangaroo round. Ari H, Alexandru C and Karen W in Year 8 were very close to qualifying for the prestigious Olympiad, the highest level of competition.

We celebrated these fantastic achievements in Awards Celebrations and the students were in high spirits. It is very promising indeed that our students are achieving such fantastic results, but more importantly, they are excited about being involved and working together as a community across year groups. We should feel very proud of our students and our community and continue to promote academic excellence and celebrate achievements!

Por Richard Ellis, Profesor de Matemáticas en Secundaria

Este año se ha batido un récord en cuanto al número total de certificados y, en particular, de certificados de oro obtenidos por nuestros estudiantes en los desafíos UKMT. De los estudiantes del Senior Challenge, cuatro de los ganadores del certificado de oro, Diego D y Minanga J de Year 13, y Kethan F y Carlos L de Year 12, dedicaron sus horas de la comida para convertirse en Student Mentors of Mathematics (SMoMs), planificando y dando clases para nuestros estudiantes de Key Stage 4 para aumentar su confianza y así permitir que más de ellos obtengan certificados. No creo que sea casualidad que Diego y Minanga hayan sido entrevistados este año para entrar en la Universidad de Oxford: las mejores universidades y empresas buscan a personas que sepan resolver problemas.

Maggie W y Steve W de Year 11 lograron puntuaciones casi perfectas en el Desafío Intermedio y se clasificaron para la Olimpiada de este año, y dos de nuestros estudiantes de Year 10, Claudia S y Hortensia F, se unieron al equipo SMoM y ayudaron a nuestros estudiantes de Key Stage 3 todos los martes en la hora de la comida.

De los estudiantes que participaron en el Junior Challenge, 14 obtuvieron certificados de oro, de los cuales 10 se habrían clasificado para la siguiente ronda Kangaroo. Ari H, Alexandru C y Karen W de Year 8 estuvieron muy cerca de clasificarse para la prestigiosa Olimpiada, el nivel más alto de la competición.

Celebramos estos logros en la entrega de premios y todos estaban muy entusiasmados. Es muy alentador que estén consiguiendo unos resultados tan fantásticos, pero lo más importante es que desean participar y trabajar juntos como una comunidad. Debemos sentirnos muy orgullosos de ellos y de toda nuestra comunidad, siempre promoviendo la excelencia académica y celebrando los logros.

Read a Book and Save a Life!

Review by Minanga J, Year 13, published in the Caxton Times

The Pale Horse is a mystery novel by the famous author and “Queen of Crime” Agatha Christie. The story revolves around a series of murders committed by poisoning the victims with a lethal chemical called thallium. At the time of The Pale Horse‘s publication in 1961, thallium poisoning was not widely known. Also known as the “poisoner’s poison” due to its high toxicity, thallium is a metal that is modestly abundant in the Earth’s crust. However, it is so thinly distributed that the likelihood of anyone being accidentally harmed by it is incredibly small, so even doctors and medical staff were not fully aware of its effects.

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