School Blog

Reflexiones, consejos y emociones que a diario nos asaltan en este trabajo que supone dirigir un centro docente / Thoughts, advice and emotions that occur to us as we work every day to achieve academic excellence at our school.

Category: Opiniones de alumnos / Student Opinion (Page 1 of 4)

Raising Awareness about Human Rights / Concienciando sobre los derechos humanos

By Alexa L, Year 12 Student

At Caxton, we believe that knowledge is power. And, therefore, the knowledge of human rights is crucial for building a better and more compassionate world. This is why we established the Voices for Change Club, which teaches about human rights and is aimed at growing our Caxton community into global citizens who can actually make a difference.

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Goodbye to Mr Feasey / ¡Hasta siempre, Mr. Feasey!


We’d like to share this interview published in the Primary pupils’ newspaper on the occasion of Mr Feasey retiring from school this month after teaching at Caxton College for 26 years.

Interview by Itziar and Elena, Year 6 Pupils

Mr Feasey is retiring, so over the past few weeks we have been interviewing children on the playground that were in Mr Feasey’s class, asking them about the favourite things and memories about Mr Feasey.

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Our Students Share Their EYP Experiences / Experiencias de nuestros estudiantes en el EYP

The four Sixth Form students selected to represent the school at the European Youth Parliament (EYP) this academic year tell us about the experiences they had at the recent National Session in Spain.

1.⁠ ⁠What is EYP? – Alex B-T

EYP is short for the European Youth Parliament. There are national branches of EYP (such as EYP España here in Spain) and they all work together to bring together young people from around the continent who have a passion for politics.

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De la curiosidad al entusiasmo / From Curiosity to Enthusiasm

Por Yago Prat, estudiante de Bachillerato

La cumbre EF sobre el agua celebrada en Berlín, a la cual tuve la suerte de asistir, fue una experiencia bastante impactante y alternativa, en la que, acostumbrado al ambiente colegial y cotidiano en el que vivo, me sentí totalmente fuera de mi zona de confort.

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Preparando los EPTs en Year 6 / Getting Ready for EPTs in Year 6

Our Year 6 students sit their End of Primary Tests next week and, whilst aware of the importance of getting good results in these exams, they wanted to highlight some other equally important aspects of this final year in Primary. Ms Raphael, Teacher of Year 6, has shared the video with us.

Nuestros estudiantes de Year 6 se presentan a sus exámenes de final de Primaria (End of Primary Tests) la semana que viene y, aún siendo conscientes de la importancia de obtener buenos resultados en estas pruebas, han querido destacar otros aspectos igualmente importantes de este último curso del ciclo de Primaria. El vídeo nos lo comparte Ms Raphael, profesora de Year 6.

Circular History: Secondary Trip to Berlin / Historia circular: Viaje de Secundaria a Berlín

By Carlos B, Year 11 student

Eighty years ago, my great-grandmother found herself and her young family in Berlin at the height of the Second World War. The British had been bombing the capital of Nazi Germany since their first daring raid against the capital of Adolf Hitler’s Third Reich in August 1940, and in 1943 a massive raid by Royal Air Force bombers caused the virtual destruction of one of the most iconic landmarks in Berlin, the Kaiser Wilhelm Memorial Church. This neo-Romanesque church was gutted by fire bombs, and the spire partly collapsed. My great-grandmother had a photograph taken in front of this landmark in the summer of 1944, just before she fled Berlin for Spain with my Spanish great-grandfather and baby grandmother. This photograph has been in our family ever since, and stands as a testament to our connection with an important moment in history.

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Read a Book and Save a Life!

Review by Minanga J, Year 13, published in the Caxton Times

The Pale Horse is a mystery novel by the famous author and “Queen of Crime” Agatha Christie. The story revolves around a series of murders committed by poisoning the victims with a lethal chemical called thallium. At the time of The Pale Horse‘s publication in 1961, thallium poisoning was not widely known. Also known as the “poisoner’s poison” due to its high toxicity, thallium is a metal that is modestly abundant in the Earth’s crust. However, it is so thinly distributed that the likelihood of anyone being accidentally harmed by it is incredibly small, so even doctors and medical staff were not fully aware of its effects.

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EYP: Un viaje hacia el empoderamiento / EYP: A Journey of Empowerment

Por Charlotte C, alumna de Year 13

  • ¿Qué es el EYP?

El Parlamento Europeo de la Juventud (EYP) es una plataforma educativa de gran importancia que empodera a las personas de toda Europa al ofrecerles la oportunidad de participar en debates internacionales y en promover la ciudadanía activa entre los jóvenes. Además, contribuye a que éstos se unan para abordar problemas globales tanto dentro, como fuera de Europa. 

  • Logros:

El pasado mes de febrero, participé en la sesión regional (en Valencia).

Después fui elegida diputada en la sesión nacional (Marbella). 

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Should iPads be banned from schools?

Article by Adella N, Year 6, Primary Matters journalist

Debate rages about the use of technology in schools. On one hand, some people think there shouldn’t be iPads in schools, but on the other, people speak about the many amazing things iPads do for learning.

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Día Mundial del Medio Ambiente / World Environment Day

Para celebrar el Día Mundial del Medio Ambiente recogimos en este vídeo algunas reflexiones y sugerencias de nuestros Eco Warriors de Primaria para que todos mejoremos el uso y consumo de plásticos con el fin de reducir nuestra huella de carbono en el planeta.

To celebrate World Environment Day, we put together this video with some thoughts and suggestions from our Primary Eco Warriors to inspire us to think about how we can reduce the quantity of plastic that we consume as well as our negative impact on the planet.

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Caxton College British School