¿Es posible practicar deporte mientras estás en el colegio? Rotundamente sí. Esto es lo que viene demostrando desde hace unos años Caxton College, el colegio británico de Puçol que ha logrado que sus alumnos ocupen su tiempo de recreo realizando actividades que complementan su desarrollo físico, cognitivo y social.

Tradicionalmente, las actividades deportivas extraescolares de los centros educativos se han ofrecido al terminar la jornada escolar. Sin embargo, en Caxton College le han dado la vuelta por completo a este escenario. Con la firme creencia de su importante papel en el desarrollo integral de los niños, este centro ha situado el deporte como uno de sus ejes prioritarios de la jornada educativa, planteando una amplia oferta de actividades a cargo de profesionales altamente cualificados.

Esta iniciativa ha sustituido los largos recreos de comedor por deporte y actividades artístico-culturales, dándole al alumno la mejor formación durante el mayor tiempo posible. “Es una buena oportunidad para que el alumno vaya teniendo contacto con el deporte de una manera dirigida y orientada a optimizar el tiempo escolar. Estas actividades nos sirven para detectar talento en edades tempranas y poder guiar al alumno con determinación. Además, los padres agradecen mucho que se haga en periodo escolar ya que, en muchas ocasiones, por las tardes no pueden compatibilizar las extraescolares con sus horarios de trabajos”, asegura Ana Belén Álvaro, coordinadora de Extraescolares y Club Deportivo de Caxton College.

Estas actividades son de inscripción voluntaria, complementan la formación reglada y ayudan al alumno a saber cómo potenciar sus capacidades. Hasta el momento, las cifras hablan por sí solas: en torno al 80% del alumnado de Primaria participa en una actividad extraescolar.

Además, para aquellos alumnos que quieren ampliar sus entrenamientos, Caxton College cuenta con un Club Deportivo que impulsa deportes como fútbol, baloncesto, atletismo, kárate y tenis. Este espacio de perfeccionamiento se desarrolla por las tardes, una vez finalizadas las clases, poniendo la guinda perfecta a todos aquellos niños y jóvenes que quieren seguir disfrutando y creciendo con el deporte en su etapa escolar.

Sport integrated in the school day

Is it possible to practice sports while you are at school? The answer is, very much so. This is what Caxton College, the British School in Puçol, has been demonstrating for some years now. Caxton College has achieved that its students spend their recreation time doing activities that complement their physical, cognitive and social development.

Traditionally, extra-curricular sports activities have been offered at the end of the school day. However, at Caxton College they have completely turned this scenario around. With the firm belief of its important role in the integral development of children, this centre has placed sport as one of its priority axes of the educational day by proposing a wide range of activities leased by highly qualified professionals.

This initiative has replaced the long recess at lunch time by sport and artistic-cultural activities, giving the student the best training for as long as possible. “It is a good opportunity for the students to have contact with the sport in a directed manner and aimed to optimize their school time. These activities use to us for being able to detect and guide talents at an early age. In addition, parents are very grateful that it is done during school hours because, in many cases, in the afternoons they cannot match extracurricular activities compatible with their work schedules” -assures Ana Belén Álvaro, Extra-curricular Activities and Sports Club Coordinator at Caxton College.

These activities are voluntary registration; they complement the formal learning and help the student to know how to enhance their abilities. So far, the figures speak for themselves: around 80% of primary school students participate in an extracurricular activity.

Furthermore, for those students who want to expand their training, Caxton College has a Sports Club that promotes sports such as football, basketball, athletics, karate and tennis. This space for refinement is developed in the evenings, once the lessons are finished is the perfect icing on the cake for all those children and young people who want to continue enjoying and growing up with the sport in their school stage.