Leaving the youngest children of the household in school for the first time can be a challenge. For making this critical moment as friendly as possible, it is fundamental to choose with good judgment the school centre to which we will entrust the first educational experiences of our children. In this sense, we must bear in mind that their adaptation process will depend significantly on the educators, who will undoubtedly be their main point of reference in the school environment. Working with children during the child stage requires that professionals who are dedicated to it have a series of values ​​and knowledge that they know how to transmit to their students successfully.

Childhood Educators
The world of teaching is very fulfilling but at the same time very demanding. Therefore, in addition to vocation, educators must have the necessary qualities to make a positive impact on the educational experience of their students.

• Patience: each child has a very different learning rhythm and therefore, teachers have to adapt to each child and their educational needs.
• Closeness and individualized attention: it is important to create a climate of individual and collective affective security, in which each child is treated with respect and affection.
• Dynamism: the game is the main way that kids have to know the world around them; consequently good teachers should always focus their activities with great dynamism.
• Creativity and innovation: the didactic methods used in the classroom must be fully adapted to our students and help improve their communication skills, their physical development, the social relationships they establish, as well as the promotion of independence. Here the creativity and imagination of our teachers come into play so children have a lot of fun while they learn.
• Experience: by designing and organising their own didactic resources and lessons in which the students, in a collaborative way, interact and are part of the learning process.
• Solvency: to know how to combine emotional and cognitive education.
• Ethical commitment: a fundamental element in the process of value formation and in the creation of an exemplary model of behaviour.

At Caxton College we encourage the talent of our teachers, creating a comfortable and respectful work environment in which fellowship, recognition, trust and teamwork are present.

Our philosophy of work, in the end, is the integral development of the child as our basic pillar and that is why we offer the student exciting learning opportunities both inside and outside the classroom that stimulate their curiosity and that make them enjoy with knowledge from very early ages.

If you are interested in receiving periodic pedagogical content related to early childhood education, you can subscribe through our website on this link (click on the yellow button “I wish to receive more educational information”)

¿Qué cualidades debe tener un buen educador infantil?

Dejar a los más pequeños de la casa por primera vez en el colegio puede suponer todo un desafío, y para que ese momento crítico sea lo más amable posible, resulta fundamental elegir con buen criterio el centro escolar al que vamos a confiar las primeras experiencias educativas de nuestro hijo. En este sentido, debemos tener en cuenta que su proceso de adaptación dependerá en gran medida de los educadores, quienes sin duda serán su punto de referencia principal en el ámbito escolar. Y es que trabajar con niños durante la etapa infantil requiere que los profesionales que se dedican a ello tengan una serie de valores y conocimientos que sepan transmitir a sus alumnos con éxito.

Educadores infantiles

El mundo de la enseñanza es muy gratificante, pero a la vez muy exigente. Por eso, además de vocación, los educadores deben contar con las cualidades necesarias para conseguir dejar una huella positiva en la experiencia educativa de sus hijos.


  • Paciencia: cada niño tiene un ritmo de aprendizaje muy diferente y son los maestros quienes se adaptan a cada niño y a sus necesidades educativas
  • Cercanía y atención individualizada: es importante crear un clima de seguridad afectiva individual y colectiva, en el que cada niño sea tratado con respeto y afecto.
  • Dinamismo: el juego es el principal camino que los más pequeños tienen para conocer el mundo que les rodea, por lo que los buenos maestros siempre deben enfocar las actividades con gran dinamismo.
  • Creatividad e innovación: los métodos didácticos que se emplean en el aula deben estar totalmente adaptados a nuestros alumnos y ayudar a mejorar su capacidad comunicativa, su desarrollo físico, las relaciones sociales que establecen, así como el fomento de la independencia. Aquí entran en juego la creatividad y la imaginación de nuestros maestros para que los niños se diviertan mucho mientras aprenden.
  • Experiencia: para diseñar sus propios recursos didácticos organizando clases en las que los alumnos, de manera colaborativa, interactúen y formen parte del proceso de formación.
  • Solvencia: a la hora de saber combinar la educación emocional y cognitiva.
  • Compromiso ético: un elemento fundamental en el proceso de formación de valores y en la creación de un modelo de conducta ejemplarizante.

En Caxton College fomentamos el talento de nuestros profesores, creando un ambiente de trabajo cómodo y respetuoso en el que se instala el compañerismo, el reconocimiento, la confianza y el trabajo en equipo.

Nuestra filosofía de trabajo, en definitiva, tiene como pilar básico el desarrollo integral del niño y es por ello que ofrecemos al alumno oportunidades de aprendizaje emocionantes tanto dentro como fuera del aula que estimulen su curiosidad y que le hagan disfrutar con el conocimiento desde edades muy tempranas.

Si estás interesado en recibir periódicamente contenidos sobre educación infantil suscríbete al final de este enlace de nuestra página web  (haz click sobre el botón “Me gustaría recibir periódicamente contenidos educativos”).

What qualities should a good early childhood educator have?


Leaving the youngest children of the household in school for the first time can be a challenge. For making this critical moment as friendly as possible, it is fundamental to choose with good judgment the school centre to which we will entrust the first educational experiences of our children. In this sense, we must bear in mind that their adaptation process will depend significantly on the educators, who will undoubtedly be their main point of reference in the school environment. Working with children during the child stage requires that professionals who are dedicated to it have a series of values ​​and knowledge that they know how to transmit to their students successfully.

Childhood Educators
The world of teaching is very fulfilling but at the same time very demanding. Therefore, in addition to vocation, educators must have the necessary qualities to make a positive impact on the educational experience of their students.

• Patience: each child has a very different learning rhythm and therefore, teachers have to adapt to each child and their educational needs.
• Closeness and individualized attention: it is important to create a climate of individual and collective affective security, in which each child is treated with respect and affection.
• Dynamism: the game is the main way that kids have to know the world around them; consequently good teachers should always focus their activities with great dynamism.
• Creativity and innovation: the didactic methods used in the classroom must be fully adapted to our students and help improve their communication skills, their physical development, the social relationships they establish, as well as the promotion of independence. Here the creativity and imagination of our teachers come into play so children have a lot of fun while they learn.
• Experience: by designing and organising their own didactic resources and lessons in which the students, in a collaborative way, interact and are part of the learning process.
• Solvency: to know how to combine emotional and cognitive education.
• Ethical commitment: a fundamental element in the process of value formation and in the creation of an exemplary model of behaviour.

At Caxton College we encourage the talent of our teachers, creating a comfortable and respectful work environment in which fellowship, recognition, trust and teamwork are present.

Our philosophy of work, in the end, is the integral development of the child as our basic pillar and that is why we offer the student exciting learning opportunities both inside and outside the classroom that stimulate their curiosity and that make them enjoy with knowledge from very early ages.

If you are interested in receiving periodic pedagogical content related to early childhood education, you can subscribe through our website on this link (click on the yellow button “I wish to receive more educational information”)